If someone claiming to represent a company called Advanced Recovery Systems Inc. (ARS) has contacted you asking for money, you may be feeling scared and confused. Who exactly is Advanced Recovery, and why do they want money from you?
You need to take steps right now to deal with ARS and protect your credit and finances from damage caused by collections. Start by learning what debts Advanced Recovery collects, how to confirm that you really owe them money, and what your debt collection rights are.
Table of Contents
What is Advanced Recovery Systems?
Based in King of Prussia, PA, Advanced Recovery Systems Inc. (also known as ARS, AR Systems, and—on their website—as ARS Collects) is a debt collection agency that was founded in 1996. 1 They specialize in managing healthcare and commercial debts. 2
Below are some of the debt collection services that ARS performs: 3
- Early-out collection
- Bad debt collection
- Billing
- Insurance assessment and billing
- Data analysis
If Advanced Recovery is contacting you, it’s probably because they believe you have an unpaid medical debt they want to collect payment for.
Other companies with similar names
It’s easy to mix up Advanced Recovery Systems with other debt collection agencies because many use the same abbreviation or have a very similar name. Careful not to confuse Advanced Recovery Systems with any of the companies below:
- ARS Collections (which also uses the name “Advanced Recovery Systems, Inc.”)
- Advanced Recovery Services
- American Recovery Services
- Advanced Recovery Group
Who does Advanced Recovery Systems collect debts for?
Advanced Recovery Systems mainly performs healthcare collections. This means if they’re contacting you, it’s probably because they think you owe money to one of the following companies: 3
- Hospitals
- Medical institutions
- Emergency care centers
- Paramedic service providers
- Other healthcare providers
Is Advanced Recovery Systems a scam?
No, Advanced Recovery Systems isn’t a scam. They are a legitimate company that collects consumer and commercial debts, and they’ve been a member of ACA International since 1996. 4
However, this doesn’t mean Advanced Recovery always behaves ethically. Debt collectors are known to sometimes violate consumer rights to get payment. What’s more, scammers may try to impersonate Advanced Recovery to illegally collect money from you.
If you have any doubts about the validity of your debt or who you’re talking to, be sure to contact Advanced Recovery Systems directly to verify that you actually owe them money. You can do so using the contact information below.
Advanced Recovery Systems Inc. Contact Information
If you want to remove ARS Recovery from your credit report, write to their address:

Address: PO Box 80766
Valley Forge, PA 19484
Phone Number: (888) 354-0990 or (610) 354-0990
Website: arscollects.com
Disputing an incorrect entry on your credit report can be stressful and difficult. Consider working with a professional.
How to deal with ARS Recovery
Ready to take control of your debt with ARS Recovery? Choose the methods you want to attempt below.
Dispute Collections![]() If the debt is inaccurate, learn how to remove the collection from your credit report. | Stop Harassment![]() If your rights are being violated, learn how to fight back using protections under federal law. |
Verify Debt![]() If you're not certain the debt is yours, request more information (and temporarily stop collection efforts). | Pay Debt Collector![]() If you're ready to pay up, learn how to do it in a way that keeps you on better financial footing. |